Even though I have really healthy and balanced diet and use some spices and superfoods, how they call them today, daily, from time to time I practice drinking Detox Smoothie for one day without eating solid food.
After trying out many different recipes I have finally combined one that works perfect for me.
Not only that it helps my body get rid of some toxic substances that all of us have in our bodies but it also helps me stay in good physical and psychological shape.
So here is the recipe for a healthy detox smoothie that i came up with:
50 grams Ginger
200 grams Spinach
1 lemon without skin
1 ripe banana
200 grams fresh pineapple
1 celery stalk
1 cucumber
200 ml unsweetened almond milk
200 ml water
2 teaspoons of chia seeds
Here is why I have combined these specific ingredients:
Benefits of GINGER are many, lovers cholesterol levels, improves brain function, it is rich with magnesium, vitamin D, C, B-12. B-6.
CHIA SEEDS, plant protein contains ,iron, calcium, fiber, antioxidants, omega-3’s. Makes you feel full, helps with hydration and digestion.
SPINACH has amino acids, is full of antioxidants, fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium and is essential for regular digestion.
LEMON, rich with vitamin C which also helps with detoxification it’s anti-bacterial, purifies blood , balances pH , cleans liver and boosts, immunity.
BANANA is rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin B6.
CUCUMBER contains potassium, vitamin C helps with skin hydration, de-bloats.
CELERY is rich in calcium, B vitamins, iron, magnesium helps with alkalinity, detoxification.
PINEAPPLE is full of vitamin C, fiber,) it is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, an boosts immunity.
So, all together combined in one smoothie these ingredients are solid gold!
If you decide to try it out, please let me know what you think , was I wright?